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How Many Questions Are On the Fetal Echo Exam?

When we talk about pregnancy and the entire process, you feel a blend of emotions, from overwhelming joy to jittery nerves. This is especially true when it comes to ensuring the health and well-being of the unborn child. Now, there are a number of prenatal ARDMS tests and screenings, but the one that stands out […]

What Does RDCS Stand for In Medical Terms?

When we talk about the heroes in healthcare, our minds often go to surgeons in their scrubs or emergency doctors in the thick of the action. But there is a group of professionals who are experts at what they do and are just as important as doctors and surgeons, although they are not in the […]

What Does a Registered Vascular Specialist Do?

When you think about the circulatory system, usually, all we think about is the heart, but that is not the only thing. We also have a vast network of vessels that play a crucial role in keeping us healthy and alive, and that clean blood reaches every part of our body. These vessels, veins, and […]